Anycubic Predator (D) + SKR 1.4(TURBO) + Klipper + Raspberry Pi (Zero W) + 12864 RepRap LCD

2022-04-24 09:28:28 By : Ms. Ashley Wang

We take Raspberry Pi (Zero W) in one hand, Dmitry's video in the other.Install fluiddpi following Dmitry's instructions.We take RPi, jumper-wire.And connect the pins (RX, TX, GND) of the SKR TFT port to the RPi pins (TX, RX, GND).Don't forget to connect SKR board RX to Raspberry TX and SKR board TX to Raspberry RX.Setting up Raspberry Pi (Zero W) to work via UART:console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=2b5222ac-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwaitThe main thing is to forget about the logical levels - that 12V must be connected through DC-DC buck converters (lowerers in the common people).We still have 24V onboard.And Raspberry Pi (Zero W) and even more so separately 5V (2-3A) is required.3. Klipper for harsh printers - he doesn't know how to use trendy screens.We take the worker-peasant RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller (aka LCD 12864).We connect via EXP1 / EXP2.It is only for SKR 1.4 (TURBO), since the pinout with SKR 1.3 does not exactly match.As for the SKR 1.4 is not TURBO, I can’t say for sure.>_ PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=extruder TARGET=220>_ PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET=60This is not Marlin for you - not steps by 1 mm, but mm by 1 step.There is no time to explain - we smoke Chris Riley's video for example or the official manual.Hoba - got 160 steps/mm.Translation: 1 / 160 steps/mm = 0.006248 steps/distance.In the config, we specified max_extrude_only_distance: 320. We need this to replace the filament (macro), it will also help with the calibration of the extruder.Klipper is afraid to move the filament more than 50mm without explicit adjustment.Therefore, in the official manual they pervert with "around 70mm".We go the easy way - we use calibration data from Marlin.For example it was 436 step/mm for the extruder, translate for Klipper: 1 / 436 step/mm = 0.002293 steps/distance.Don't forget, if you installed BMG or its clone - invert [extruder] dir_pin: !For Probe Calibrate (aka Z-OFFSET) and Bed Mesh (aka BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, aka ABL / UBL in Marlin) welcome to the official manual or to sumerok or to Google.>_ TUNING_TOWER COMMAND=SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE PARAMETER=ADVANCE START=0 FACTOR=.020 (or .010)We are interested in the initialization order (if I may say so), as I understand it myself: first RPi is loaded, then the Klipper service is loaded in linux, then the web interface is loaded, which presents information about host access to the client (it is clear that it should be the other way around, but on there will be no interface on the printer screen until host sends it).As a result, if nothing (obviously) happens after the printer is flashed, or after the RPi is loaded, you must wait until the magic happens.Specifically, my RPi is connected to the printer's power supply and after turning it on, 1.5 - 2 minutes, "loading" occurs.Then information about printer performance appears in fluidd and an interface appears on the printer screen.